If you choose a product from De Reuver knitted fashion, you are not only choosing a beautifully knitted product of high quality. You also opt for sustainability.

All our knitted products are produced according to – and always tested against – our BeHonest quality mark. This quality mark shows how we consciously deal with quality and sustainability and we show by whom the clothing and accessories are being made.
BeHonest stands for:

100% Dutch
All products with the BeHonest quality mark are knitted in our own knitting factory De Reuver in Gelderse Boven Leeuwen. Additions such as embroidery that complete our knitting are also carried out in The Netherlands. This gives us continuous control over working conditions and quality.

For us, sustainability is all about people, the environment and society. We take good care of our environment and the people who work for us. We only produce with high-quality yarn and recycle our residual products, so that we can then produce new items from them.

‘With passion’
Knitting is in our hearts. The craft has been handed down from generation to generation, so that our collections are being produced with passion and craftsmanship. You see that and you feel it.

Family business since 1951
Erna is the third generation within the family business De Reuver. Her grandfather bought his first knitting machine in 1951, which laid the foundation for a beautiful Dutch production company. Succeeding her father who took over the baton in 1966, Erna has been proudly at the helm of the knitting factory since 2000. With beautiful collections and the most modern knitting machines, De Reuver knitted fashion in The Netherlands has the largest production capacity of knitted products. [Read the whole story here]

Take a look
The coffee is ready and our door is open for you. We are proud of our company and want to show everyone how our products are being made. You are kindly invited for a tour to see the knitting process. Watch how your ideas are being developed by us into a beautiful end product.