Our products reach everyone. Young and old. We have been knitting all kinds of different accessories since 1951. Everything produced in the Netherlands. Honest and trusted. We are proud of it. Because we are always looking for special collaborations, beautiful and special people come our way.
Willeke Alberti
One of those special people is Willeke Alberti. A professional in heart and soul who likes to work for the community. Through her "Willeke Alberti Foundation" Willeke provides socio-cultural activities to promote the well-being of the elderly, children, the disabled and the ill. Her performances bring joy and strengthen mutual contacts. Valuable and necessary!
Erna de Reuver and Willeke have joined forces to promote a beautiful clothing line 'Willeke' poncho with part of the proceeds going directly to her foundation.

Erna and I share the same values. If you cannot divide, you cannot multiply. The Reuver pays a fair price to its suppliers, operates in a socially responsible manner and produces top quality clothing.
Another initiative is the collaboration with the Dutch plus size blog magazine Hermina de Vries is the driving force behind this beautiful platform. Wondervol’s message is: love your body, love your life!

De Reuver knitted fashion Wonderfully Hermina de Vries
Hermina founded the blog magazine in 2009 as a rebuttal to the prevailing self-image ideals that are being pushed by the fashion industry.
Central to this are stories for, about and of wonderful women. Stories about wonderful fashion, lifestyle, self-acceptance and taking good care of yourself.
Together with Erna i made knitted arm warmers